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Wolf Fenrir

The clan of the Wolf. Aggressive, protective of their freedom and more than a little reckless. They are well prepared to face the dangers of Northgard and use their combined might and mobility to leave little chance to all but the most resilient.

There is a clear focus on military prowess to the extent that the warriors can provide Food Food, Kröwns Kröwns and Happiness Happiness primarily through constant fighting while requiring little maintenance. Conquering new territory is facilitated through various means, ranging from increased strength while on the offensive to easier colonization.

Starting Bonuses

  • Killing Wolves and Brown Bears provides Meat.
    • Wolves provide 15 Meat.
    • Brown Bears provide 120 Meat.
  • Your military units eat 30% less food and provide Happiness Happiness.

Fame Bonuses

  • 500 Fame Fame
    • Assault: Your military units gain a 15% attack bonus when fighting outside your territory. Dominion cooldown is 50% reduced.

Lore Tree

Sharp Axes

Your Woodcutters will produce

20% more Wood Wood.


Reduces the amount of Food Food necessary

to colonize one area by 30%.


Increases population growth speed

by 30%.


Reduces extra Firewood consumption

during winter by 50%.

Mining Efficiency

Miner Miners extract 30% more ore from



Increases your Healers' healing speed by 50%.

Healers will gather food when they are not healing.

Field Ration

Reduced your military units' Food Food

consumption by 70%.

Sharp Weapons

Increases your military unit's AttackPower Attack

Power by 15%.

Fur Coats

Your Warband Military units no longer have reduced

power during winter.

Sharp Weapons

Increase the AttackPower Attack of your warband by 5% for each type of friendly military unit in the tile

Legendary Heroes

Improve your Berserker's AttackPower attack and Def defense by 25%

Spoils of War

Gain Kröwns Kröwns for each enemy unit killed.

Here is the Pillage Table


When you decolonize a tile, your units' health is healed by +30%


Increases your military power against Defense Tower by 100%, and makes decolonization twice as fast


Gain +2 Kröwns Kröwn production. Enables Trade Routes with Trading Posts and Great Trade Routes with a Lighthouse


Increases Sailors' resource production by 20%


Increases Loremasters Production by 20%. the cost of Carved Stones is halved.


Reduces Marketplace prices by 50%


Your merchants will produce 20% more Kröwns Kröwns

Carpentry Mastery

Reduces your buildings' upgrade costs by 20%

Veiled Threats

Improve your trade Routes' Kröwns Kröwns income by 75% if you have a Berserker. Relations with other clans don't affect your Trade Routes

Lore Wolf

Story Campaign

In the story campaign, Fenrir clan made their debut as ally for Rig led by a ruthless and impetuous young berserker named Egil. He craves for glory from battles which contrasted to more pacifistic and wiser Halvard, so much that Brand and Halvar dismayed that Egil more focused on combating their common enemy rather than selfless alliance against their common enemy. While appeared to be reckless, he makes up his shortcomings by swiftly adapting to any situations before him and against blindly attacking enemies head on.

Other Clans
